Sunday 29 June 2008

Today we strayed in to a place where I hoped Heidi would not visit for a long long while yet. To the drug-crazed wailing of Amy Winebox we sat down amongst grey-faced people chomping rhythmically, and at times in unison. Children were being subliminally brain-washed by free Disney figurines with their meal…. We were of course, in McDonalds.

We had travelled to Exeter to look at some furniture but the shop was not yet open, and Rachel needed the loo. Not much else was on the industrial estate, so we went to McDonalds for a coffee. My tummy was rumbling after a small bowl of cereal much earlier so I succumbed to an 89 pence burger and some fries. The coffee was nice though; nice and strong.

We did what we had to do in Exeter and headed back to Paignton to take a look around a car boot sale. Some friends of Rachel’s were selling some stuff there so we paid our 50p to get in, and joined the throng of people out in the sun. We met up with them a bit later. Not a lot of stuff for us this week, but we shall come again I guess. Bargains to be had here.

Mum and dad saw Heidi get another feed and cuddle and then we headed home. The barbecue was refilled with new lava rock (half price today in Sainsbury’s) whilst Heidi slept on, oblivious to the lawn mower being operated by Rachel.

Emily and Charlotte popped by to borrow one of my spare mobile phones. She does take note of visitors I think, and becomes more animated with them if she is not tired. A few more smiles today too.

It has gone awfully quiet whilst I am typing this, and I realise that Radio 4 has been re-tuned to some independent music station in the bathroom, for Heidi’s benefit, and she is having a soak.

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