Sunday 1 June 2008

Living close to the sea and beach means that it only takes a few minutes to arrive and enjoy the place on a sunny. On most occasions we are too busy to just visit, but with Heidi it means we can amble about without a purpose and just relax.

Today we go to Goodrington Beach which is a ten minute walk from my mum and dad’s. On the way we pop in to the off licence where Lyn is getting ready to head off after working her shift.

Walking along the promenade of South Sands the steam train rumbles by, slowing down for Goodrington station which is by the beach. One of the carriages is called Heidi, and whilst I do not spot it, Rachel does.

Once again it is a hot day and the beach is quite busy with families, making the most of the last minute heat wave before they head back whence they came. Lots of windbreaks are set up and Torbay Council deckchairs are strategically position on the sandy beach.

We head across to the fish and chip shop which is central to the area and we persuade each other that a second day of a portion of chips will not do us any harm.

Its great to just sit there and watch these people pottering about, squabbling with each other due to spending too much time in each others company, crammed into a camper van or similar. Luckily we live here, and probably do not appreciate it as much as we should. At least Heidi (who is out of the sun) will appreciate it later.

Back to mum and dads for a quick chat and then home for a bit of roast beef. Later Emily pops around on her bike in training for the Midnight Walk which is in a couple of weeks time. I think this is her first training session though. Heidi gets the benefit of big cuddles with her and is soon fast asleep.

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