Saturday 21 June 2008

The “Power Pants” are back.

Heidi today had a bum big enough to take the reusable cotton nappies and took to them like a duck to water. Or at least I think she did as she did not complain.

Fred used reusable’s until he went into hospital and then we had to stop as chemo is rather toxic and appears in poo of course, so we did not use them at all after going there. You do save a lot on disposables but it is a choice thing and they are a little more work, but they seem to be good.

They do make her bum look big in things, but give her the edge over other backsides when out on the street.

In town today we bumped into Darren and Finlay. Darren we met in Bristol when his son was in there too, and they live only a few miles away and we have kept in touch ever since. Finlay is a few weeks older then Heidi so maybe they may meet up sometime soon….

Shopping was in a fug a drizzle (longest day?) and our attempts to get Farley’s First Milk was thwarted at Boots in Torquay and Paignton. Not sure what has happened to Boots as they do not seem to sell much and staff are thin on the ground. They have also recently dropped the “…The Chemist” from their name which may be a big clue.

Lidls comes to the rescue, and the Farley’s is £2.00 cheaper than SMA Gold. We did not change through price but tried it with some vouchers and it appears to be OK.

We are hoping to have an impromptu barbecue later on in the week with some friends and hope the weather will improve a bit.

Rachel has a few gatherings to go to next week too, so Heidi’s social calendar is getting full each week.

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