Heidi and her mum have headed up to the hills today, as Rachel has her woodcarving class tonight. Gran will look after Heidi in her absence so everyone is happy.
TRhis gives me a chance to have long long bath and listen to the Archers omnibus, as I have lost track with the ramblings of Ambridge recently. It means that I can switch on the wireless access for the laptop (not a radio.....) and so hear the programmes on R4's "Listen Again" facility.
Wireless is switched off in our house now, as we are suspicious of any cancer-causing things. A friend of mine installs these systems and he can detect when they are on and when they are off, through a feint buzzing in his head. Useful to check if something is working, but a bit scary nonetheless. Plus when the thing was on for a very short while, Rachel used to feel sick all of the time at home. No such thing when she stayed up with her mum and dad where there is not any wireless in the house.
Morning sickness it could have been, but after 13 weeks Rachel started to feel alot better and the morning sickness had gone. Whilst she was away one day I switched the wireless back on and forgot to switch it off although Rachel assumed it had been switched off for the last few weeks. Strangley she felt sick again and I sneaked in the office to switch it back off again.....
Did not want to take the chance so the wireless router stays as a fixed line one now, and is only used rarely by just me in the house.
I found a picture of her 20 week scan today and it is on here. A nice profile shot her although we did not know who we were to blessed with at the time.