Sunday, 27 July 2008

Whilst the mornings are getting a little darker now, this morning I could it was going to be a roaster again. Heidi was fairly settled overnight, though gets a second wind from 0700h to about 0800h where she nods of again for an hour or two. This gives Rachel a chance to do various things like some housework, and gives me a chance to supervise Heidi from within the bed clothes.

We had breakfast in the garden this morning as it was nice and warm, but Heidi took hers first. Then she settled down in her deckchair next to us, in the shade, whilst we had bacon and eggs, listening to the omnibus of The Archers. All rather pleasant.

She gets dipped in sun cream and we head over to the car boot sale, and so she lives in her papoose here. The ground is too uneven for the pram but the trouble is the air by now is hot although she is covered up well grumbles a bit. Some babies however were being trundled around completely exposed to the glaring sun for what would have been an hour or so plus.

Rachel purchases a bit of Tunbridgeware for 20 pence and she is happy with that. I am not into that sort of old stuff but it is a nice little snuff box by the look of it.

We head into town to get some things and take a walk along the sea front. This week is Carnival Week so there is a vintage car show on the Green plus the fair is in town. It is heaving with visitors and it really does look like summer has started here. Sun means that males inappropriately dressed for their physique are waddling about shirtless. Huge shiny brown slabs of meat shudder around, some young and some old, but all should know better. Many have tattoos and piercings as well which add to that “Mediterranean” feel. Mix that with fish and chip smells and blocked drains and we could be any in western europe…..

Heidi is blacked out in her chariot but is enjoying the smells and din I’m sure. She is trying to make sounds now, so we do try and engage her in conversation whenever we can. She might be making comments about that large shirtless pensioner dripping sweat on her at the pedestrian crossing but we’ll never know.

A drink in the Flagship pub means she can be changed and fed as well and we head over to mum and dad’s. Dad has walked down to the Club for a lunchtime drink and mum is worried he did not take his hat. Dad comes back and reassures her that he took his hat.

Heidi lies most of our visit on Grandmas stomach quite quiet and content, opening an eye every time I sneeze or make a noise.

We may have a barbecue tonight as have some food here ready. There is a stench of barbecue smoke wafting in from one of the neighbours and I await the smoke alarm going off, but it never has in such circumstances.

Back to work tomorrow and Rachel is taking Heidi up for some woodcarving. That means a couple of days in total quiet here at home, which is OK for a bit, but soon I wait for Heidi’s babbling to fill the air again. And the barbecue smoke.

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