Sunday, 13 July 2008

A sunny morning saw us all breakfast in the garden. Heidi had her little baseball cap with a flap at the back to protect her bonce, and watched us eat croissant.

Today was her second outing to the car boot sale down the road, and so as the sun got higher she was slavered in sun tan lotion which once again made her look like she blotchy skin. In her papoose she slept all of the time opening an eye every now and then to see what was happening.

I bought a metal potato masher from Marianne, someone whom I have known for years and years as she was there having a clear out. All the potato mashers now seem either to be plastic, or in an “L” shape that bends when one is doing “extreme mashing” of potatoes or squashes. Anyway, for 50 pence we were both happy.

We headed over to Torquay and then had some lunch over there. Heidi was sleepy most of the time there as well, which is good but she might find it more interesting if concentrated a bit.

Then back to my mum and dad’s for a whistle stop cup of tea.

The day ends in a bath to rid her of the sun tan lotion, and by early evening she is wide awake, ready for causing trouble….

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