Thursday, 17 July 2008

We set off this morning, heading to South Petherton in Somerset to visit a friend, Frances.

Arriving before 1100h we had a coffee and a chat and Heidi got her cuddles from both Frances and little Daisy who was at home. Samuel was out at school today.

A nice big lunch and a chat afterwards meant a relaxing day and then Frances’ mum and dad popped by to see Heidi for the first time. We chatted for while and later went for a walk in the lanes which meant Heidi got some fresh country air again. Daisy was in her trike though did not want to be pushed by me.

During our conversations we discuss the gramophone player I had seen in a local antique shop, and which I would like. It’s expensive, but the combined previous purchases of gramophone players, and the subsequent hefty profits I have made almost justify buying it. It is actually a good piece of furniture and would be my ultimate goal in gramophone-things, so Rachel concedes that I can buy it. On the proviso that I sell my old desk and cabinet gramophone. Deal done!!

We headed back late afternoon along the A303 and pass by the antique shop near home, with the gramophone still in the window.

Once back Heidi gets her bath and seems content. She does smile a lot this evening, so hopefully enjoyed her day.

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