Tuesday, 13 May 2008

Heidi makes an appearance

At 0800h this morning Rachel and I went up to Level 5, Delivery Suite of Torbay Hospital as arranged for an elective caesarean section. When Fred was born a couple of years ago he got stuck after nearly 50 hours of labour, and so the consultant this time suggested planning one.

Rachel was due on the AM list and was the third of three. Clearly a risk of cancellation due to an emergency admission but we were called at 1100h, and were just heading off to the door. Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on who you were, an emergency did come in, and so we waited around until midday.

I don't think there was a PM list so it looked like we heading home which was a big anticlimax. R had got ready mentally for it and she had been starved for ages, so was a real disappointment.

Thankfully, someone appendix did not need to come out so off we went at 1400h prompt. The anesthetist had changed by then, so he chatted to R and learnt about Fred. He explained that they all knew about Freddie and it was a really nice atmosphere when we walked in to Theatre 3.

Once again I managed to witness the event through the reflection in the overhead lamp, though could not move about as I was on a fixed stool, wrapped in lines from some drivers and pumps, so held on to R fast.

A head appeared then a shoulder although it was quite quiet in the theatre. Soon a lamb-like call came out that got louder and a little waxy vernix covered girl appeared.

Heidi Rachel was weighing in at 8lb and 8 1/2 oz and shouted fairly loudly. One eye opened and then another one opened.

Heidi is currently a double of Fred with jowly chops, a wodge of black hair and a button nose. Has Rachels top lip and looks thoroughly beautiful.

Fred's little sister headed back to Delivery Suite for a couple of hours as I phoned a few people - mum and dad, Colin and June, Frances, Claire etc etc although i did not have much time really.

Heidi fed well with Rachel and that carried on for 40 minutes of good grub, before nodding off for four hours or so.

Dawn and Emily popped in just as the Bounty Lady was doing her rounds, and spent a long while in cuddling Heidi who was just waking up again.

It is Emily's 18th birthday tomorrow, so it was nice to see her.

I have eaten three square meals at the hospital today - much better than Bristol's I have to say.... - and am a little stugged oon my arrival back at home this evening.

I thought that I would do a few email and then thought the easiest way is to another 'blog for Heidi so that I can share the photos more easily.

Anyway I shall try and post the photos as best I can.

Rachel, I'm sure would send her love if she I was tapping away whilst she looked after baby in the ward. I hope she will be out sooner rather than later but we will see what happens.


bogge said...

Hi you two.
What wonderful news and such a beautiful girl, Freddie will be smiling down on you all.
Glad everything went well and can't wait for a cuddle!
Keep up the blogging Tim lok forward to keeping up to date
Love Angie and crew x x x

MsCatMinder said...

Excellent to visit Heidi's blog.... lovely pictures , well done all of you x