Wednesday, 13 August 2008

Little Heidi and Rachel returned today after a day or two on the moor. Rachel has been doing some decorating for her mum and dad, with the little one watching not only R painting the walls, but also a bit of the Olympics as it progresses.

Grubby weather means not a lot of action for her, but she does still head up into The Square to see her public when able.

I have had my leisurely two days alone; pottering and doing things I have not found time for. Whilst quiet in the house with no one else about, it does rejuvenate my batteries. The Archers on the laptop, whilst in the bath is perfect bliss.

Today was busy at work as a colleague was sick, so I was lumbered with accompanying another colleague on a High Hedge complaint, requiring a spot of enforcement. I know nothing of this legislation, other than what I know, so followed on an rather enjoyed the lengthy discussions about the height of the conifers.

Once back I was out again, this time (now with even less time on my hands for the day, to deal with a problem at a quarry on our patch. Mineral Permissions are a bit of a mystery to me, as they are very complex. Today saw us wander around a sea of mud looking into a very deep bowl of quarry, with absolutely nothing happening around us.

Once home I find H and R back, with the little one having her bath. The water is getting warmer now plus a little deeper. Despite water and suds washing over her eyes, she blinks happily, peering through a fuggy haze at me and smiles. A towel soon wipes away the rogue water, and she continues to grin.

Emily comes around too to give a hand looking after Heidi. Rach and I are moving furniture about and so Emily keeps H happy with cuddles and a winding session. Em has just come back from a short stay in Paris so we catch up with her antics over there. By then, H has given up listening and sleeps well.

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