The good thing about growing up is of course seeing her develop. It is easy not to notice all of these things, although we have made a point of watching and observing her more. Her smiles have become a regular event, and she is very alert to her surroundings.
She will look around at all sorts of things now, and concentrates on the television. She has been transfixed by the Olympics, although I have not yet worked out watch the actually sees. Her head spins around more too, especially if there is a noise that startles her.
Friday night saw a rare happening in that I headed into town for a works jolly; Sarah is off on a three month career break to Australia and Emma, who works with me in Enforcement, is off to Environmental Health. They are on the floor below so it was a combined event. We started in the Half Moon and had some great grub plus a few beers, and then headed down the road to The Ship Inn. A simple night out, but attended by colleagues and we all had a really good night. I have not really been out on a works jolly since Fred was ill, but re-started my tradition of having my camera with me. I have a whole archive of poor behaviour by local government staff, although was that evening ably assisted by a number of other cameras. No incident went undetected, which was good - until the following day.
FaceBook has emerged since my early days of being the office paparazzo, so within hours the images are available all around the world....
The weather has not been that good really, so her forays into the outside world have been curtailed a bit though. Today however saw her head to Torquay to do some shopping, although we did not get what we wanted. I got the camera I had been looking for, after mine got broken a few weeks ago.
Once back, she was a bit windy, and stank the living room out a bit. Emily popped in and kept her entertained with babbling to each other. It got to a point where Heidi was babbling and chuckling so much, I thought hiccoughs were going to start again.
My brother Duncan popped by too, to see what all the noise was about.
Heidi is off to Chagford tomorrow, for a rest. I’m back to work, but have Thursday off as it is the Chagford Show. Weather permitting we will be there, with picnic as will Emily’s folks too. Last year Rachel exhibited her woodcarvings and signs, though chose not to this year. R wants to see the show and so does H too. I will make myself comfortable in the beer tent I think for half an hour. I reckon it must be papoose time, given the unevenness of the ground….